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The Thought Residencies

Mar 30, 2018

Last post here friends. And I’m going to give it up to my gramps, his fourth and final hope for his children.

 But before I do, I’ve made a few changes that I’ll explain. My grandfather was a minister in the United Church and so had a specific relationship to the idea of God. That word “God” doesn’t really...

Mar 30, 2018

My third hope for my children is that they will feel a sense of responsibility for the world of the present and the future. There is always the temptation to use the gifts of one's heritage for self-serving purposes. The urgent problems of our global village require the understanding and efforts of all people of...

Mar 27, 2018

My second hope is that my children will always be conscious of their place in our family. In the past the extended family provided a means of moral and psychological support for its members, both young and old.  In our urban, industrialized society, when families are scattered widely, new ways must be found to keep...

Mar 22, 2018

Hi there, Brendan McMurtry-Howlett here.

For today's thought I'm going to have a guest posting from my grandfather (Doug McMurtry). He passed away at 97 about a year and a half ago but he wrote this piece in 1976 called The Hopes For My Children. Here is one section:

My first hope is that they may learn to find their...

Mar 21, 2018

I’ve been thinking more and more about embracing inefficiency. I have spent so much energy in trying to work more efficiently, build structures that promote efficiency, save time and money. But actually I find so much joy comes from inefficiency, the indirect route from a to b. There is beauty and magic and humanity...